Get Involved
I am Pro-Life ... What Can I do?
PRAY that God will give our society a deep respect for all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Join others in your parish when there is a Holy Hour for Life.
BECOME INFORMED about the issue and share your knowledge with relatives, friends, and neighbors.
Enlist the help of a few of your friends to mobilize pro-life citizens to call or WRITE their legislators on behalf of pro-life legislation.
OFFER TO SHARE YOUR HOME with an unwed mother. Call Catholic Charities or your local pregnancies to provide a refuge for an unwed mothers who needs a place to live.
BECOME A FOSTER PARENT for newborn infants who are being adopted.
Arrange a PRO-LIFE PRESENTATION for your group (Worship group meeting, Men's Club meeting, PTA meeting, social groups, etc.). Contact FCRTL to assist you in finding a speaker.
WRITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of your local newspapers in response to articles and opinion pieces that endorse an anti-life position.
Form a PRO-LIFE COMMITTEE at your place of worship. Volunteer your time to help with the pro-life activities.
DONATE baby clothes, formula, and disposable diapers to Catholic Charities or your local Crisis Pregnancy Center.
VOLUNTEER ONE EVENING a week with your local Crisis Pregnancy Center. You will be trained to help those who come to the center with a crisis pregnancy.